Give Thanks For Sake!
Welcome to the 159th Issue of America’s sake-centric Newsletter. In this super pre-holiday issue we focus on wine and turkey! Start by going hunting for turkeys in the store for your 10% discount, read how we are helping the Northern California wine market by giving some sake matches during this shortage, learn about the best tasting sake in the US that is EXCLUSIVE to True Sake, enjoy KJ’s mining of past archive articles that are all turkey talk, join True Sake for the holiday block party and a tasting by the makers of Kakeya, go bonkers in the new store arrivals featuring a record number of Fall Draft sakes, get your water on in the Beau-Zone, and find out what it’s like to taste a sake that has been milled down to 1%!

In this issue:
- Sake Season – The Sake Turkey Hunt
- Sake Expressions – The Wine World Is Hurting and Sake Can Help!
- Sake Exclusives – Miroku The Best Drinking Sake In America!
- Sake Parties – Sake Day 2018 “The Future of Sake”
- Sake Archives – KJ Mines The Archives For “Amazing” Articles
- Sake Events – HV Block Party & Nihonshu Oendan Sake Tasting!
- New Store Arrivals – A Record Number of Hiyaoroshi Fall Draft Sakes Are Here
- Beau-Zone Layer– Takenotsuyu “Brewing Water”
- Sake Images – Photos From The Soul Of Sake
- “Ask Beau” – “What did the 1% milled sake taste like?”