True Sake – We Need Your Help
Welcome to a new year and welcome to a new project for True Sake. This is the 150th issue of the True Sake Newsletter! (Pretty awesome heh?) One newsletter per month for the past 150 months! Well, simultaneously we’ve also had the website which has been one of the top sake information destinations on the worldwide nets for over 14 years. The website has had several facelifts over the years and we are looking to make some fresh history soon, but we need your help!
“Do these pants make me look fat?” “Is this tie cool or not?” “How’s my hair?” There are some basic questions in life that you need to tread very lightly around. This question is not one of those! We need your heavy feet – no light treading here! Let us have it! What do you think of the website, and what would you do to make it better? That’s it! That’s the question. We are looking to you, because you are THE most qualified folks to comment on our baby.
In the next two months we want to develop a plan and a vision to make the website more attractive, functional, and just plain awesome. And we want your unique and honest perspective. Do you shop with us on-line? What would make things easier and more effective? What about the site’s aesthetics? We like to think sake has style and we try to communicate that in the store’s design and the layout of the website. How do we look on your handheld? What would be a better platform for your late-night sake shopping spree?
You people are the most amazing readers in the entire Newsletters "universe" and we would greatly appreciate your thoughts and offers on how to make a better product! If you want to plug your services we are also all ears! We like to keep things in the family, so if you have the skills to make us achieve a new look, feel, and functionality by all means drop us a line.
To reward you for your optics and advice we will be handing out True Blue Points left and right for constructive feedback. We will also give special sakes for those who help us meet our goal of creating the greatest website since WebVan!
Please send all suggestions, comments, and proposals to with the subject “WEBSITE.”