True Sake Newsletter No. 231 🦃 November is Ishobin Month 1️⃣1️⃣
Welcome to the 231st Issue of America’s sake-centric Newsletter. In this Autumn special issue say hello to a Yamahai sake from Sequoia Sake, say goodbye to one of the really original international sake souls Kazu Yamazaki, read about the world record of fall draft sakes called Hiyaoroshi that Kazu helped introduce to the west, circle your calendars to taste that new Sequoia Yamahai Sake on November 18th, Chris gets into CEL-24, Go Beau-Zoning with a terrific “flagship” sake from Aomori Prefecture , check out the New Store Arrivals, get pumped up for “Ishobin Month” at True Sake this November and Sake Classes In The Winter!
Sequoia Sake – The origin of Sequoia Yamahai Sake
Sake Friend – Hard To Say Goodbye To Kazu Yamazaki a True Sake Man
Sake Season – Enjoy a Record Number of Hiyaoroshi “Fall Draft” Sakes
In-Store Tastings – November 18th Sequoia Sake 2-4pm
Chris’s Sake Corner – CEL 24 and Digressions!
The “Beau Zone Layer” – Mutsu-Hassen “Red Label”
New Store Arrivals – Kirei, Tenbi, Mimirusugi, Otokoyama Sparkling
Sake Deals – November Is “Ishobin Month” At True Sake
Sake Education - Sake Classes in the Bay this Winter!