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“Ask Beau”– “We like the blue. Why the new look?”

Ahh! Good question and thanks for noticing. In a word, it was time to freshen up the front of True Sake and gone is the initial and inaugural “Iguana Green” color. We decided to go blue in honor of our new sign. But not just any blue. We didn’t want to look like other dark stores on the street so we picked a blue that popped. In this case it’s like an Indigo blue with an attitude. And there are three shades of grey on the inside foyer, because who needs 50?

And for those who have noticed an inventory issue, we apologize! But it is part of the master plan. Lots of focus has gone into our new endeavor and we have been having a balancing issue. Never fear! We will be back in full motion soon. And THANK YOU for bearing with us. Trust me when I say that seeing the store low on inventory hurts me more than most. It’s just a case of growing pains and we look forward to rewarding those of you who have supported us with such passion and trust. We are and will be there for you! You are simply the best! Thank You.

PS. From KJ: "Hey Beau! Please let all the sake lovers out there know that the cool guys who painted the store front are Mike & Mike, from Myco Custom Painting! One of the Mike's is my boyfriend; the other is our brother from another mother. Their website is! Thanks!"

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