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June MY!

Welcome to the 142nd Issue of America’s sake-centric Newsletter. In this end of school special issue take a good look at Gold Medal sakes from Gold Medal breweries in the national sake tasting of Japan, then check out the access that you have to these Gold Medal breweries at True Sake, learn about a passionate Canadian who is making Japanese sake in Norway, take a gander at our new “store within a store” on our website that features Ichishima sake from Niigata and enjoy a special Grand Opening Discount, read about the special Friday Night Sake & Movie Party for Sake Day 2016 and get your “Early Bird Special” tickets at a discount starting July 1st, get your Black Bull on in the Beau-Zone, and find out what’s in my personal fridge at home!

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In this issue:

Previous article New Store Arrivals - Floating World Sakes