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Sake Archives – Some Blasts From the Pasts

Of course I needed to use my calculator, but when I divided this current Issue of the True Sake Newsletter #148 by 12 it remarkably told me 12.333333333, which means I have written 12 issues for the month of December, which is also 12! In other words there is a ton of Holiday content within the archive button on our very own website!

Sake Archives December 2016 A

I asked KJ to pick a few articles that she liked and she said folks would be interested in the following issues:

Decemeber 2004 when I thought that it would be fun to look at gold flake sake or “Kinpaku” sake for a holiday festive spirit:

Sake Archives December 2016B

December 2006 when I took a good look at the forbidden! The forbidden action of warming the Daiginjo category of sakes. Noooooooo! God Forbid! Yup, we did it long before others in this game known as sake exploration.:

I had a bit of nostalgia reading the December 2011 issue with some former friends (employees) making some fun gift giving ideas that are still in the store today.

And one of my favorites was the Dec 12 2012 or 12-12-12 issue that many Mayan Indians thought would never take place.

Don’t forget to “SEARCH” the archives. They are a world of sake history, trivia, fact and fiction.

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