Sake Events 2 – John Gauntner’s Sake Professional Course
Sake Professional Course in Denver, Colorado August 28-30, 2017
From Monday August 28 to Wednesday August 30, 2017, I will hold the 27th North American running of the Sake Professional Course at the University of Denver, (Fritz Knoebel School of Hospitality, Daniels College of Business) in Denver, Colorado. The content of this intensive sake course will be identical to that of the Sake Professional Course held each January in Japan, with the exception of visiting sake breweries. The course is recognized by the Sake Education Council, and those that complete it will be qualified to take the exam for Certified Sake Specialist, which will be offered on the evening of the last day of the course.
You can learn more about the course here, see the daily syllabus here, and download a pdf here.
If you are interested in being in the mailing list for direct course announcements, please send me an email to that purport. Testimonials from past graduates can be perused here as well.