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Sake Rotation – Checking Your Inventory And Checking It Twice!

Sake Rotation April 2016 A

Hey you! Don’t be a me! Do not hoard your sake! Drink your sake sooner rather than later and trust us when we say the brewer who made that sake would thank you! They make sake to taste and feel like something for a reason! And they want you to drink this sake sooner to taste that reason. And yes! Sake does change in the bottle even after two pasteurizations. Sake is perishable. Don’t forget that!

Sake Rotation April 2016 B

So go to your fridge, cabinet, garage, wine cellar (what the hell is that), pantry, attic or wherever you keep your booze and start checking some dates. Yes, even that bottle that was given to you as a gift 6 years ago! If there are no dates on the bottle assume that it is past its prime so you might as well open it to see what you have!

Sake Rotation April 2016 C

Several folks have noticed our lower inventory at the store! We too checked our dates and the dates of sakes coming from our distributors and we felt it was time to drop some sakes until fresher releases come in. We always have a very, very keen eye for this and you will never see a sake that is past its prime at our shop. But we cannot control the inventory of several of our distributors who at times let their inventory get a little long in the tooth. Like all things these issues go in waves and both they and we are in the process of providing the freshest sakes outside of Japan. So please bear with us as we purge the durge and clean up some dated sakes, and know that we must gut it out when a distributor will not re-order a sake that they have dated inventory on until it is gone. Gulp!

And in the mean time make some space on your shelves by checking your dates and drinking those sakes that need to be consumed now!

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