True Sake – Shifting to Door Service and Open on Saturday
We are getting closer! As we have navigated the Rona we have taken certain precautions to keep Team True Sake and our amazing customers safe during this unprecedented time period. And Phase II is now in effect. Starting this month we are shifting to Door Service at True Sake. What the heck does that mean? Essentially, you get to shop the entire store with several team members at your service to walk you through your purchase with recommendations and the use of our hands free credit card chip reader. Safety comes first for us, especially considering the size of the store, which prohibits us from having walk-ins for now.
Likewise we are expanding our days, and will now be open Monday thru Friday 12PM-5PM and Saturday from 11AM-5PM. Currently this may be tricky, because you will not be able to park or even drive up in front of the store on Saturdays. The City’s “Shared Street” Project closes Hayes Street Friday from 4-10PM and Saturday & Sunday from 10am-10pm to help restaurants. True Sake is a retail shopping “destination”, and we understand that this may be difficult for you planning trips to the store. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. That said you could always park near Laguna and Hayes and ask the volunteers to watch your car as you do a quick Pick-Up. Nevertheless, we will be open and ready to serve you to the best of our abilities. And we look forward to more interaction with you, because we miss you.
If you would like to learn more about this “Shared Streets” program please take a small survey at www.hvsafe.com/500-hayes