It took only 20 years to realize this, but this Newsletter has been missing a section. And what would that be? Well, seeing that we have written 242 monthly issues on every kind of sake, we sort of forgot to mention our high-end offerings a.k.a “Baller Sake.”
Yes indeed! There are some very very very high-end sakes that are so high-end, that we might only get one or two bottles per year. Then, there is another tier of brews that are so expensive, that it messes with our cash flow if we over stock them. There is also another tier of brews that our importers forget to mention to us because they are so rare and Unicorn-like, that they don’t think that we want to carry them.
But “Baller Sake” exists, and you should really know about them, because you might be Elon Musk, or you might have a rare occasion/celebration where you might want to pour a “best-of-the-best” sake for your family or friends.
We have access to some of the most difficult to obtain sakes in the world. Usually they come with a hefty price tag, but some are also within striking distance of fans who love sake. And it is our job and passion to let these cut-above consumers know that we can obtain the “pinnacle-of sake-making” sakes for them usually with a wait no longer than a week.
So welcome to “Baller Sake”
Isojiman “Nakadori 35” Junmai Daiginjo
Our first “Baller” brew is from one of our most favorite sake breweries EVER! We sell a lot of Isojiman sake at True Sake, because it is a Biblical and magical sake brewery that is held in very high standing in the Japanese sake community. Check out our inventory for all of their offerings, but more importantly behold a sake-brewing masterpiece called Nakadori 35.
This is the most labor intensive and expressive offering from Isojiman sake brewery. Made exclusively from AAA rated Yamada Nishiki grown in the Akitsu region of Tojo in Hyogo Prefecture, considered the greatest premium sake rice in the world. It is then carefully milled down to just 35% remaining. The koji used in the Nakadori is slowly developed for 70 hours, far longer than the standard 40 hours for conventional sake. During fermentation, Isojiman uses their in-house proprietary yeast, propagated on local Shizuoka seaweed, which imparts a definitive saline quality to the finish. Pressing is carefully done in a traditional fune wooden box press, and only the very finest part of the pressing run, the “Nakadori,” is used.
The result is a gorgeous texture laced with notes of herbs and tropical fruit balanced by a finish that evokes a splash of seawater breaking on rocks. This is a masterpiece of brewing and one of the greatest seafood pairing sake ever made.
AAA Yamada Nishiki from Tojo milled to 35%
Medium soft well water from Mount Aino in Shizuoka
Isojiman Proprietary House Yeast
Sake Meter Value: +4
Acidity: 1.3
ABV: 15-16%