Selling Sake – A Global Reminder That November Is “Isshobin Month”

Ok Folks! This is not only a reminder that you constantly make sake history with your support for True Sake, but it’s also a loud alarm to remind you that November is officially “Isshobin Month”! What the heck? Yup, this is just a weird way of saying that we are trying to continue an international “thang” by having retail stores the world over declare that they will put their isshobin selection on sale for the month of November!
Why? We don’t know! We thought it would be cool because November is the 11th month of the year and those two large 1’s look like two large (1.8L) bottles sitting side-by-side representing an 11 or November.
Basically we need your help to tell everybody! Tell all restaurants that sell sake, tell all grocery stores that sell sake, and tell all on-line/brick and mortar sake selling stores that November is the month where we celebrate the “Isshobin”! Yes! You will be helping us try to internationally celebrate sake customers by getting them a discount on their 60 fluid ounce (1.8L “magnum”) bottles.
In Japan, the Isshobin is the traditional bottle for customers to take home from their liquor store, but in the US and most of the west, people do not realize the value and savings of big bottles. 1.8L bottles intimidate most consumers or they think that they are only for parties or large gatherings. This is so not the case! Isshobin are for your fridge or cool cabinet and they last long after opening. In fact some of my favorite sake people feel that sake tastes better in an isshobin, similar to large magnums of wine supposedly tasting better.
So this November you can count on True Sake celebrating “Isshobin Month” with 20% off all large format sakes in the store. And remember ‘go big or go home?’ Actually go big and go home! And TELL EVERYBODY!