The “Beau Zone Layer” – Takeno Kamenoo Kurabo
From Kyoto Prefecture. Junmai Ginjo. SMV: -6 Acidity: 2.2
What can I say? Some breweries take pride in being different. They extol the virtues of marching to their own drumbeat. They specifically make sake the way that THEY want to make sake. It’s their own passion and fascination with certain styles of sake making. One brewery in Kyoto prefecture exemplifies this way. Takeno Shuzo makes exciting and very unique sake. And they do weird things with sake. For example this aged Junmai Ginjo made with the very unique and awesome sake rice called Kameno O. Take a look at those numbers -6 and 2.2! What the heck is that? It’s an expression of sake in a very rich and tasty format. The owner and maker came to SAKE DAY’18 and people flocked to his table, because his brews were slightly different. And different is a good thing. Our tasting Team at True Sake loved the 2017 version and we specifically ordered it for our customers. Well, it’s here! And you will greatly enjoy this Kyoto special sake that explores acidity and style using a great brewing rice. Get ready to have some fun! You can’t get this sake anywhere else.