True Readers – Comments From You About The Newsletter
In reply to our True Sake Newsletter Issue No. 210, where I discussed celebrating my 2,000th professional sake review, one of our longest standing customers wrote the following and we are supremely grateful.
“Speaking of sake journals.
Throughout the years before you opened, I kept a slip of paper in my wallet and when I went to a restaurant and had an amazing sake, I wrote down the name. Back then few restaurants had good sake, and I rarely saw the same one twice. My list had 8 entries.(there would have been more but sake gets me, um, drunk, and I didn’t always remember to write them down).
When True Sake opened you had ALL 8 of them. I've been one of your biggest fans since day 1.
So here's a moment to say thanks. I've felt so lucky to have you nearby, and your great staff has helped me pair sake with many multi-course Japanese dinner parties over the years.”
Paul Isaacs
“Ps. By the way, Chika over the phone, and Chris (I think it was) in person gave me some great advice too during my last purchase. Both are new staff members to me and both gave me great advice.”
Thank you Paul!
If you ever feel compelled to ask a question or send some thoughts or personal stories about your sake adventures with us, please send a reply to the Newsletter! Thank you so very much.